Kurginyan urges to get rid of Soviet and anti-Soviet cliches

27.07.2024, Moscow.

The Russian society does not need a hybrid of Soviet and anti-Soviet cliches, but it needs a fundamental revision of the past and the present, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on June 29 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

I cannot live in a hybrid of Soviet cliches and an anti-Soviet, a sort of inertial algorithm of statements and semantics,” the political scientist said.

Kurginyan reminded that a small copy of the Dzerzhinsky monument has been installed in Yasenevo at a facility that was previously known as the First Chief Directorate of the KGB, now the Foreign Intelligence Service.

The leader of Essence of Time noted that the figure of Dzerzhinsky was “tragic, cruel and at the same time very ambivalent, definitely metaphysical, with his deep mystical peculiarities (perhaps the deepest among all the leaders of the Bolsheviks).”

Kurginyan said that he always wanted to stage a play about Dzerzhinsky as exactly this kind of a figure, but he could not do that during the Soviet era, because “they said ‘he was nice and kind, a friend of children.’” This was said in spite of the fact that Dzerzhinsky was head of the All-Russian Special Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Sabotage and Speculation (Russian: VChK).

The political scientist noted that, after the collapse of the USSR, opposite ideas began to spread, that Dzerzhinsky was a “bloody executioner” and that his memorials must be removed. Now, however, as the leader of Essence of Time noted, they say again that Dzerzhinsky was nice and kind.

30 years has passed, our history is complicated, and we had a chance to revise it. Can we now say anything more serious to justify this 30 years rather than repeating cliches of 1970s with a little addition of anti-Soviet tradition of the post-Soviet 30-year period?” the political scientist said.

Kurginyan indicated the threat from such cliches. He said that they cannot be used in our current situation.

This hybrid existence can last for a while as a transition period, but it must end. With what? With what kind of tragic rethinking? With what kind of redemption of the past? With what kind of new stratagems? With what kind of unity of the nation, to which no one will be able to say, listen, you keep relaxing on the beaches of Sevastopol while we are fighting. We must stop this now as heavy missiles are already used, and Belgorod is under attack. Who will be attacked tomorrow? And what will begin in Dagestan?” the leader of Essence of Time noted.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency