Kurginyan: The West does not simply supply missiles to Kiev, it aims them

27.07.2024, Moscow.

The West will escalate its pressure on Russia; it does not simply supply missiles to Ukraine, it aims and controls them, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on June 29 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

The West still continues to produce weapons and munitions as well as to carry out other operations, “to control certain global processes through, so to say, divide et impera,” Kurginyan stressed.

The Western countries have become fixated on Russia, “and they consistently, time after time, build up their potential to attack us,” the political scientist noted.

Every time they escalate more, and more, and more. And the missiles that attacked the beach in Sevastopol, they mean really much. We underestimate the meaning of this fact,” Kurginyan stressed.

The political scientist reminded that an enemy must never be underestimated. He noted that overestimating one’s enemy, when the enemy’s capabilities are inflated among calls to put on shrouds and run to the cemetery, is disgusting, “but underestimating the enemy is as dangerous.”

This is an enemy, a major global enemy, having all the capabilities. This is still an empire, and it still can mobilize its forces, and it is doing unambiguous moves towards an escalation of the situation in Ukraine. Escalation. And it is taking place,” Kurginyan stressed.

The political scientist reminded that the West supplies quite powerful missiles to Ukraine, and he stressed that it will supply even more powerful ones. “It is them who aim them! It is them who control all this! It is their contingent who control all these high-technology weapons. It is them who will supply more and more,” Kurginyan said.

It was recently alleged that the bills about sponsoring Ukraine would be blocked in US Congress or Senate, and that no money would be given to Kiev. But eventually the money has been allocated.

Kurginyan reminded that it was also alleged that the West would not dare to use the frozen Russian funds to finance Ukraine, but it has done this. It must not be underestimated.

Commenting the situation with the strike on the beach near Sevastopol, the political scientist noted that it “is a derivative from our certain manner of action.”

Kurginyan stressed that he cannot strongly criticize it for two reasons. “Firstly, I decided to refrain from strong criticism at the moment when this great war began, which is called a special operation.”

The political explained his decision with the fact that “if a more or less criticism is used here, it would be equal to helping the [Ukrainian] Information and Psychological Operations Center” or another enemy.

And secondly, because I have to honestly say that I do not know what should be done,” Kurginyan indicated another reason why he refrains from any strong criticism of the current policy of the authorities.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency