Kurginyan: Man will either ascend or destroy the planet

27.07.2024, Moscow.

Man will either create a new breakthrough or become an endangered species, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on June 14 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

The Species Homo sapiens either can create a new breakthrough as an ascension of Man to unprecedented heights or he will become an endangered species,” Kurginyan said.

According to him, humans are the only animal who kills not to eat. Moreover, humans are the only animal whose deadly weapons continuously improve, because tiger’s fangs do not become ten times larger, the political scientist noted.

The improvement of the weapons and means to destroy humans can result in a total elimination of mankind.

Either Man ascends, and then species Homo sapiens can create something for the planet, or he will destroy the planet, and in this case an attempt will be made to destroy him before he does that. And all these chimeras, e.g. environment, vaccinations, artificial intelligence, etc. are means to destroy mankind,” the political scientist said.

Kurginyan noted that in this sense the policy of the Western elites aimed at the destruction of humanity maintains, and today we should support the conservatives, who will keep to human values for a while, but they will not be able to stand long.

We must understand what will actually take place. And the point is not where this Ursula will go, and how Le Pen will replace her (they are one and the same). The point is that how fast the Islamization of Europe will go, and no Ursula will stop it, because the European post-human, post-historic scum cannot resist the Islamic migration, and in some sense it even does not have any right to do so, because it is scum,” the political scientist added.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency