Russian Permanent Representative to UN: Moscow wants to find out why Kiev suddenly turns to peace talks

26.07.2024, New York.

The Russian side would like to find out why the Ukrainian authorities have suddenly agreed to negotiate a settlement to the conflict, Russian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said at a UN Security Council meeting on July 26.

“Before envoys are sent to us with a call to assess a possible change in the rhetoric of the overdue leader of the Kiev regime failing on the front, we would urge you to find out the details of his epiphany,” Nebenzya said at the meeting.

He also added that “perhaps nothing in his [Zelensky’s] assessments has actually changed.”

At the same time, he noted that Ukraine’s indicated readiness for negotiations fits in with Russia’s position, which considers the diplomatic way preferable.

Russian Permanent Representative to the UN recalled that the Russian side had never rejected the dialog, but it was rejected by Vladimir Zelensky “at the instigation of his Western sponsors.”

Nebenzya also urged Kiev to study as soon as possible Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal, which he voiced in June. He added that the Kiev regime would definitely not get more than that.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency