Pompeo does not rule out a lend-lease program for Ukraine under Trump

26.07.2024, New York.

Mike Pompeo, who served as Secretary of State in Trump’s administration, does not exclude a $500 billion lend-lease program for Ukraine with lifting all restrictions on the weapons supplied to the Ukrainian armed units in case Donald Trump comes to power, The Wall Street Journal wrote on July 25.

In his article for this influential publication co-authored with lobbyist David J. Urban, Mike Pompeo points out the possible actions of the Trump administration in case of his victory in the presidential election in the fall of 2024. At the same time, support for Ukraine, among other measures, will have a positive effect on the US industry, the authors of the material argue. For the support of Ukraine to be successful, according to the authors, the following measures can be taken:

– develop a $500 billion lend-lease program for Ukraine so that Kiev can borrow as much as necessary to acquire US weapons;

– give a strong impetus to the development of the US defense industry;

– remove all restrictions on the type and characteristics of weapons that Kiev will be able to use;

– develop US energy potential, which will lower prices and hit the Russian budget;

– re-establish relations with Saudi Arabia and Israel to act together against Iran;

– utilize sanctions against Russia, which are now only declared: financial transactions in the energy sector are exempted from sanctions;

– increase the military budget of NATO countries to 3% of GDP.

The Lend-Lease Act for Ukraine was signed into law by President Biden in May 2022, but expired in September 2023 without ever being used. The law was intended to be similar to a similar law during World War II: shipments of arms and other aid from the US to the Allies were on credit, which was returned after the war ended until 2006.

US presidential candidate Donald Trump said during his election campaign that the Ukrainian crisis would not have happened if he had remained in power; moreover, if re-elected, he could quickly end the crisis with a peaceful settlement, thus preventing a third world war.

Source: Rossa Primaver News Agency