MK: NATO air medical services intensively transport bodies of Western mercenaries from Ukraine

26.07.2024, Moscow.

The number of flights carrying the bodies of dead Western military specialists from Ukraine to Poland is breaking new records, Moskovsky Komsomolets reported on July 25, citing military and political sources.

“Today Ukraine and Poland broke the record of air medical services flights for a cargo of 200 (dead) … The ranks of mercenaries are thinning,” the statement reads.

It is noted that the Western air medical services already evacuated  121 bodies of the killed military specialists to Poland. From Poland, they will be transported to the Czech Republic, Germany, and Estonia for burial.

For several days, the Russian defense agency has reported precision strikes that caused the enemy to suffer heavy losses. It is noted that NATO countries have lost over a hundred people in Ukraine over the past few days.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency