Czech President calls talks on Ukraine without Russia and China pointless

26.07.2024, Prague.

The participation of Russia and China in the negotiations on settlement of the conflict in Ukraine is mandatory for achieving the result, Czech President Petr Pavel said, the Czech News Agency wrote on July 25.

In an interview with the agency, Petr Pavel said, “Without the presence of Russia and China at the (negotiation) table, it will indeed be impossible to achieve any peace talks.” He also noted that China is an important global economic player, but does not yet have a similar influence in peace policy.

Earlier, Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin did not know what was behind the Ukrainian foreign minister’s words about the talks. Peskov said that Kiev probably returned to the rhetoric about negotiations because it faced a difficult situation.

On 24 July, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said in a conversation with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi that Ukraine was ready to negotiate with Russia.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency