Kurginyan explains whether Orban could become a new Saladin

25.07.2024, Moscow.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban joined the great global game because he does not want to remain just the leader of a small European country, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on July 12 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

Sergey Kurginyan explained that to a very good friend of his, an Israeli military officer, Yasser Arafat said, “I don’t want to die as the leader of a tiny Middle Eastern state of Palestine. I want to die the new Saladin.”

The analyst emphasized that some leaders of small countries with big ambitions and real potential do not want to die as “minor” politicians, they want to be Saladin [first sultan of both Egypt and Syria, who is best known for fighting the Crusaders – Rossa Primavera News Agency], or Atilla, or Habsburgs, or whatever. “In this sense, Orban is starting to gather right-wing parties,” the political scientist explained.

“I met him for the very first time when he was a Soros Fellow. Unlike some people in Hungary, who were still talking about the renewal of socialism, he said explicitly, ‘Admiral Horthy, only Admiral Horthy.’ He was extremely definite in this. Then he lost power, then he was helped to rise to power again, then he overrode everything like nobody else. Then he became extremely bold, I apologize for this word, but suddenly he became very extravagant (to put it mildly),” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

The political scientist explained that Orban joined the global game as a representative of the interests of a certain group.

“He had very close relations with Pope Benedict, and the Vatican always preferred him to others, despite the fact that the issue of Catholicism is very important for the Vatican, and the related problem is serious. But the Vatican is ready to tolerate Calvinism, or anything else, as long as it gets loyal people,” Sergey Kurginyan said.

He added that Pope Francis himself is always maneuvering regarding the game that should be played with the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The pope cannot be called a friend of Russia either, but “the maneuvering party exists, and he is a very big player in it, much bigger than Orban,” the political analyst explained.

Sergey Kurginyan added that the pope, former US President Donald Trump, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and, “altogether, of course, the Chinese leader is also participating in this soft maneuver, a little more pro-Russian as compared to the above-mentioned players.” “Although, naturally, everyone thinks only of himself – ‘there are no bros when you play cards.’ In this case, talking about brothers is pointless,” the analyst explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency