Serbian President: The West will be ready for a military conflict with Russia sooner than they think

22.07.2024, Belgrade.

Western countries are not yet ready to go to war with Russia, but they will be ready, and faster than many people think, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on July 21 on Serbian TV Pink.

Vucic presented his view on the near future of the international situation while talking to the hosts of the Hit Tweet show. In particular, he assessed the relations between the West and Russia. In his opinion, the former will undoubtedly be ready for war soon.

“I think that people in the East, in Russia and Serbia, are deceived when they think that they will not be [ready to wage war – Rossa Primavera News Agency]. They [Western forces – Rossa Primavera News Agency] are not ready at the moment, but I think that they will be ready and that they are preparing for a conflict with Russia much faster than many people want to see… They are preparing for a military conflict,” RIA Novosti quoted the president as saying.

The Serbian leader noted that for now, the West would like to wage a proxy war through someone else, “invest money and so on.”

“Expecting them to defeat Russia in this way <…> is impossible,” he emphasized.

Vucic is confident that Russian President Vladimir Putin is honoring the legacy left to him by the country’s previous rulers, while “thinking geopolitically.”

According to the Serbian leader, Russia’s defeat would mean the loss of all this legacy.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency