German media reveal how Orban derailed EU’s plans for Ukraine

22.07.2024, Berlin.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has thwarted the EU’s plans to show unanimous support for Ukraine with his visit to Moscow, the German publication Tagesschau wrote on July 22.

According to Tagesschau, “From the European Commission’s point of view, Orbán has damaged the EU’s attempts to present a united front in its policy towards Ukraine.”

The publication also noted that Orban’s desire to start negotiations with Russia faced a barrage of criticism in the EU.

It is also noted that non-EU countries may then interpret Orban’s peace initiatives as the official position of the EU.

The material also recalled that, according to the Hungarian Prime Minister, it is necessary to start negotiations as soon as possible to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency