Kurginyan: Iranian election results demonstrate regrouping of forces

20.07.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The fact that a representative of the group supporting Iran’s turn to the West won the Iranian presidential election correlates with current general global situation, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on July 12 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

The death of former Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi somehow correlates with global processes, and it “paved the way” for Iranian politician, who wants to strengthen ties with the West.

“In Iran, a liberal, speaking notionally, Azerbaijani-speaking Kurd, was allowed to the extraordinary presidential election, and this is also a component of some global regrouping of forces,” explained Sergey Kurginyan.

The situation in Iran should also correlate in some way with the process organized by the maneuvering party, which can include Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, former US President Donald Trump, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Pope Francis, and even Chinese President Xi Jinping, the political analyst said.

“How will this party act in the run-up to Trump’s election and after that election? What will be carried out now in Iran? What is this Azerbaijani-speaking Kurd (or whatever he is) who has become president? This is not the highest office, and he will not determine foreign policy, but this is one of the main representatives from among those who say we should turn to the West and he was approved by Khamenei,” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

The analyst emphasized that the new Iranian president will turn to the West this way or another. At the same time, he will not be allowed to turn to the West too much, neither by the West nor by Qom (the religious center of Iran).

“But this political figure is there, it exists. And personally, I, who until the last time never wanted to see a special aspect in any catastrophe, cannot escape the feeling that this special aspect is too prominent in Raisi’s death, or, to put it simply, that he was killed, and that this murder paved the way for what happened,” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency