Russia’s Ministry of Digital Development comments on Microsoft’s global outage

19.07.2024, Moscow.

The recent global failure of computers running the Microsoft operating system shows the importance of developing and substituting foreign software, the press service of the Russian Ministry of Digital Development said in a statement on July 19.

The ministry noted that there are no current reports of failures in Russian airports’ computer equipment.

On July 19, Microsoft’s global outage was reported in many countries. Computers spontaneously rebooted or went into a system error (blue screen), causing interruptions in the work of banks, telecom operators, payment systems, and airports. It is also suspected that it may have affected databases and storage servers.

Experts attributed the failure to another update of security software from the American company CrowdStrike. Apparently, Russian companies do not use this software on a mass scale.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency