Ursula von der Leyen announces plans to create European Defense Union

18.07.2024, Brussels.

Speaking to MEPs, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced plans to create a European Defense Union, Deutschlandfunk radio informed on July 18.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is running for re-election today at noon in Strasbourg. In a speech to lawmakers, von der Leyen said that spending on European defense is too low.

According to the German CDU party member, Europe should also attract more private investors. European startups should not look to America or Asia – they should find everything they need to develop in Europe.

It is noted that German politician, chairman of the Bundestag Committee on Defense Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP) said that “the re-election [of Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission – Rossa Primavera News Agency] is not a foregone conclusion”. Strack-Zimmermann does not believe that von der Leyen will get the necessary absolute majority of votes.

Strack-Zimmermann emphasized that von der Leyen must answer important questions. The main issues are the fight against debt, the reduction of bureaucracy, and, as far as Hungary is concerned, greater respect for the rule of law.

Former CDU MEP Elmar Brok is more confident about von der Leyen’s re-election. According to the politician, the EU Parliament is capable of achieving a democratic majority, as proven by the election of deputy presidents.

It is noted that if von der Leyen does not receive sufficient support from MEPs in a secret ballot, the leaders of states and governments of the EU will have to propose a new candidate within a month.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency