Kurginyan shares his expectations for the rise of the right in European elections

18.07.2024, Moscow.

Strengthening the positions of right-wing parties in the European Parliament will not radically change Western countries’ approaches to support for Ukraine, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergei Kurginyan said on June 14 on the program Conversation with a Sage” on the Zvezda radio channel.

Sergey Kurginyan explained that the European People’s Party, to which the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen belongs, received more votes than in the previous elections.

“The European People’s Party strengthened its position. Things are not that bad for the Social Democrats either. Therefore, everything that was said about the right-wing storm sweeping away all this EU bureaucracy, creating a new Europe, this new Europe immediately breaking up with Ukraine and making peace with Russia – all this is a kind of neurotic hysteria that had no ground,” the political scientist explained his view.

Sergey Kurginyan noted that this kind of hysteria has now been replaced by a moderate assessment of the current situation, which is also evidenced by the rather restrained statements of the press secretary of the Russian president when assessing the European elections.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency