Kurginyan: Game around Biden’s removal is unfolding in the USA

18.07.2024, Moscow.

The game to remove incumbent US President Joe Biden from the presidential race is unfolding in the United States, political scientist, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on July 6 on the program Right to Know on the TVC channel.

According to the political scientist, the United States is the Roman Empire in decline, but there are two points: it is indeed the Roman Empire in decline, and this decline is visible, but it is still the Roman Empire.

“We should not go from the sum of these two complexly constructed components to emphasizing only one of them – decline or empire. It is an empire and decline together. Perhaps the major powers in this empire are now more interested (I speak purely notionally, with reference to ancient Rome) in whether the emperor will love boys, girls, or dogs. And this is much more important than what is happening in a remote province,” Kurginyan said.

But, in his opinion, sooner or later the empire will also turn to at a remote province, because if it does not do this, it will cease as an empire. Therefore, Russia should be ready for everything that follows from this, the political scientist noted.

” I think, it was Churchill, who once compared the political struggle in Russia – referring to what Khrushchev did – to bulldogs fighting under a carpet, and you can guess the results by the corpses being thrown out. So, I want to say that the political struggle in the United Kingdom resembles a crocodile fight deep under the water, and you can guess the results only by the bubbles: corpses rarely surface,” Kurginyan added.

According to the political analyst, these ruthless processes are underway, and Biden was persuaded to speak earlier, and now everyone is howling about his speeches.

“If I understand anything about games, it’s the game of making his removal possible. They say to him, ‘Joe, let’s do it earlier’ – they helped him to fail, then they begin to discuss his removal, and the nomination will follow later, so the time for warming up the issue of his removal is quite long,” Kurginyan said.

According to political scientist, “exactly how the crocodiles will fight and unite” is a separate issue within this whole process.

“But it is quite clear that we are in a proverbial situation of turbulence, when it’s every man for himself. There are no constants. No, maybe everyone is against the Americans, of course, unless there is something interesting that the Americans have to offer,” Kurginyan concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency