Kurginyan explains how consumer society is related to Nazism

18.08.2024, Moscow.

Consumer society is a society of the slaves of death who are being dehumanized and that’s what Nazism is, said political scientist, philosopher, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on June 4 in an interview to the Metametrica YouTube channel.

Kurginyan explained the concept that belongs to Alexandre Kojève, a philosopher who was not only a thinker, but also an intelligence officer who participated in designing the architecture of a united Europe. According to the political scientist, Kojève interpreted Hegel in a very original way.

This fellow Kojève claimed that there are four types of power: theocracy is Gods power; autocracy is the rule of the father and the rule of a certain project; the rule of the judge is democracy; and the masters rule over the slave,” explained the leader of the Essence of Time movement.

Sergey Kurginyan has posed a question: how do you determine who is the master and who is the slave? He noted that, in modern terms, we can compare this with: if there are two planes facing each other in the game of chicken, the one that turned away – is the slave, and the one who did not turn away – the master; the one who has shown the slave that he is not afraid of death.”

Next, the political scientist asked the following question: those who are not afraid of death, who could they be? The Falangists in Spain used the expression “Viva la Muerte” orLong live death” and called themselves “the bridegrooms of death,” noted the expert.

“So, it turns out that there are the slaves of death and the bridegrooms of death, and, by the way, as a term, the ‘bridegrooms of death’ was also used by the members of a private military company known as the Wagner Group,” the leader of the Essence of Time movement clarified.

Dividing people into bridegrooms of death and slaves of death is already Nazism and Gnosticism, added Kurginyan. At the same time, he explained that in Gnosticism there is the idea of a humanity with different orders – the division of people into pneumatics, psychics and hylics. These three groups, as the political scientist noted, do not overlap, and people from one group cannot move to another.

If the civilization of death is about bridegrooms and slaves, then, at first, the bridegrooms do with the slaves whatever they desire. But what does it mean to be a slave of death? It is a creature that wants to live quietly, barely noticed, at the lowest possible level, and who is so afraid of death that runs away from it at all times,” said Kurginyan, explaining that this is exactly the kind of a person the late-Western and late-Soviet consumer has become.

Look at supermarkets and the entire entertainment industry, the political scientist suggested. From his point of view, people who embrace this industry are not really looking for pleasure, they are running away from death.

And then you see that these slaves of death become truly dehumanized. You stop noticing that they are dehumanized daily, you just see that they get dehumanized, and then the bridegrooms of death treat them like a cook treats potatoes, and they will continue to do so,” the philosopher concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency