Kurginyan: Rightists in Europe are a way to dispose of discontent

17.07.2024, Moscow.

The right-wing populism in Europe is a way to dispose of discontent in the sectors that seriously suffered from the breakup of relations with Russia, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on June 14 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

According to the political scientist, the breakup of relations with Russia impacted medium and small businesses in Germany while bringing benefits to industrial monopolists in the country. However, Kurginyan stresses, the discontent in the sectors that suffered from this breakup fuels right-wing populism. “And what does right-wing populism do? It takes this discontent, and it muffles it, making a whistle out of this steam, and it becomes a systemic power that pursues the same policy,” Kurginyan explained.

As an example, he referred to Giorgia Meloni, an Italian politician, the current president of the Council of Ministers of Italy, who used to be a right-wing populist, and now she is a successful systemic politician. “She sort of promised something to those who lost, and she deceived them, cheated on them, and now she is shining on the Olympus of political glory,” the political scientist noted, and he added that the same thing happens to all right-wing populists.

At the same time, a breakup between Europe and the US is impossible for a number of reasons. One of them is the US’ strong positions in Europe. Another one is that Europe itself does not want such a breakup, and it is doing its best to win US favor back. “The US does not love us! This is the end of the world! Why does not the US love us? Because we are not good enough, we do not try hard, we have low military spending, we are not militarized enough, there is something else we are doing wrong. Let us do something to make the terrible ‘the US does not love us’ go away and make the US love us again,” Kurginyan explained Europe’s attitude towards the breakup with the US.

He added that for Europe, Ursula von der Leyen and similar politicians are a way to “reconcile” Europe and the US.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency