Kurginyan: The world of the KGB-backed Strugatsky brothers was absolutely gnostic

14.07.2024, Moscow.

The world of the Strugatsky brothers [popular Soviet sci-fi writers – translator’s note], whom the KGB supervised, was absolutely gnostic. The successors keep operating today, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said in an interview to Metametrika YouTube channel published on June 4.

The discussion focused on how part of the KGB elite in the USSR used the scientific and technical intelligentsia to accomplish its project aimed at the destruction of the country. The scientific and technical intelligentsia was supposed to become the backbone class to drive the country to the post-industrial era. However, the opinion leaders supervised by then KGB chief Yuri Andropov, including writers like the Strugatsky brothers, began to spread certain gnostic meanings to the scientific and technical workers of the Soviet Union. Later, those responsible for shock market reforms and privatization perceived themselves as “progressors,” the heroes of Strugatskys’ novels mandated to perform experiments on their compatriots.

Kurginyan indicated that the world of the Strugatsky brothers of their later period was absolutely gnostic.

The essence of gnosticism is in two fundamental things. First, the entire Cosmos, the entire being was created by an evil ugly demiurge. And this god is not at all a god, not a creator, and not the supreme power, but it is a malign dwarf that created a concentration camp-like universe, from which we should flee into non-being, into an absolute, with the Black Sun as its supreme symbol,” Kurginyan said.

However, the Black Sun can be seen not only on the sleeves of Ukrainian Nazis; such a chevron was noticed on one of those who arrested the terrorist who attacked the Crocus City Hall. And in a song devoted to the Wagner PMC there are words, “…where among the cries of chimeras Lucifer orchestrates the flight of the Valkeries.”

The first impression of astonishment and insanity comes from the question why should Lucifer orchestrate the flight of the Valkeries? It must be Wotan or whoever else but not Lucifer. Besides, I feel great respect to the Scandinavian mysticism and its idea of Walhalla, the last battle and any other things, to such an ultimate effort during a metaphysical clash. But what does it have to do with Lucifer?” Kurginyan asks.

Kurginyan told that Scandinavian Wodan and Lucifer are brought together by the ideologists of the occult neo-Nazism from Azov (organization banned in Russia). However, in an attempt to propose a ban on the use of the Black Sun in Russia one can get an answer that this is “an ancient Slavic symbol” in spite of the fact that this symbol is demonstrated in Wewelsburg, the castle where the SS elite carried out its occult rites.

Look at what castle Wewelsburg is, which Heinrich Himmler bought in 1934 to initiate the SS Black Order. And there, on the floor, there is his Black Sun. Was this Himmler the leader of the Slavonic peoples? Did he want to promote the Slavonic metaphysics?” Kurginyan asks.

He indicated that, although Andropov’s project of integration into Europe has failed, the inertia of this project continues. And we find ourselves in a situation when, on the one hand, we fight the Nazi Ukraine and watch rapid fascization of the West. On the other hand, we allow the symbols of occult Nazism to be used in our country.

We must ask, do we still live in a world that is de facto (which I welcome) becoming free from this idea of integration into the Western civilization? And inside this process of becoming free, the inertia of this integration maintains. It keeps its momentum. And then we are in an ambivalent situation,” the political scientist said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency