Kurginyan: Promises failed to come true, Russia returns to the life constants of the USSR

14.07.2024, Moscow.

Russia has to return to the constants of the Soviet Union that condemned the forces involved in its collapse, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said in an interview to Metametrika YouTube channel published on June 4.

Kurginyan indicated that in the context of the conflict with the West, the Russian authorities have to revise many principles that formed the basis of the Russian Federation, coming back to the constants of life of the Soviet Union, which faced strong criticism and even derision throughout the post-Soviet period. At the same time, the post-Soviet authorities claimed that the Russian Federation and its population would have an absolutely different life.

They said everyone would travel to the West,” the political scientist reminded. Inf act, after the collapse of the USSR only 5% of the Russian population have ever traveled abroad. And now any traveling to the West is doubtful.

Previously, they said that the USSR was so short-sighted that it produced everything itself. The new authorities will choose a different policy, and Russia will participate in the global division of labor as a raw materials-based power. However, the USA has not only cut any supplies of the Russian oil to Europe to reduce Russia’s oil income, but it has also banned any supplies of high-technology goods and components.

They said that only communist insanity demanded that we should produce everything ourselves, because we could produce oil and gas and buy everything else. So, how is it going now?” the philosopher reminded another statement of the period when the USSR collapsed.

The USSR was criticized for how long its leaders remained at power. They said that frequent change of power was needed, every 4-5 years. However, in November 2024 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin was elected for his fifth term.

Is frequent change of power really an ideal? It does not look like it is,” Kurginyan indicated, and he noted that he does not believe that frequent change of power is something necessary.

They said that an unlimited arms race led the USSR to collapse,” the political scientist noted. He pointed out an unprecedented rise in military spending in the European countries. Russia has raised its military spending, too, and it is now restoring its defense industry. According to Kurginyan, “we must spend not 10-12%, but 25%” for our defense.

He reminded that it was the development of the defense industry that successfully drove the USA out of the Great Depression under Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

They say it was done through the construction of roads and various technological valleys. This is nonsense. It was due to arms race after Pearl Harbor,” Kurginyan stressed.

The political scientist reminded that quite recently it was expected in Russia that the military spending would be within 3% of GDP. He stressed that even today this spending has approached 6% only in public budgeted items.

But we need three times as much!” Kurginyan stressed.

The change in all the principles declared at the rise of the post-Soviet era, when the Russian elite hoped that Russia would integrate into Europe as an ordinary European country, indicates that the project of integration into Europe has been de facto canceled.

At the same time, however, an ideological discussion about Russia’s struggle for its place in the global mega-trend continues. “There is no place in this mega-trend for the Russians, no place at all!” Kurginyan stressed.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency