Russian Foreign Ministry: Russia does not intend to participate in another Ukraine summit

11.07.2024, Moscow.

Russia does not intend to participate in Ukraine’s “peace summit”, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin has said, RIA Novosti informed on July 11.

Following Bloomberg‘s publication about Ukraine’s plans to organize a second peace summit before the November presidential election in the United States, to which Russia was to be invited, the Russian Foreign Ministry reacted to the statement.

Galuzin emphasized that Russia would not participate in events where Ukraine’s ultimatum offer of its “formula” was being discussed.

“We do not accept such ultimatums and are not going to participate in such ‘summits’,” the deputy minister said. He added that the content and goals of the proposed event point to the pushing of ultimatums and deadlocked initiatives by Ukraine, while ignoring other proposals to resolve the conflict.

The first meeting of this format was held in Switzerland without Russia’s participation and gathered representatives of more than 90 states and international organizations. The final document reflected Ukraine’s key positions, including on nuclear and food security and prisoner exchange.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency