Kurginyan tells what awaits humanity

11.07.2024, Moscow.

If humanity as a species does not ascend, then it will plunge into deep darkness, which is about to come, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 30 in an interview to Elena Oya, the editor-in-chief of “ABSATZ  MEDIA” for the “So to Say” project.

If humanity will manage to escape the catastrophes projected by global players, such as: a certain unknown virus, or a global nuclear war; if these catastrophes will not be final, then on the other side of this crisis there will be a creation of “everything” new, Kurginyan believes. Therefore, the question arises about the human survival as a species and humanity’s future.

If the catastrophes are terminal in their nature, it means that this young species Homo sapiens has exhausted itself,” said Kurginyan.

A man is the only species on earth that understands that he is mortal, recalled the expert while discussing humanity’s future. And all different forms of consolation that humanity had in past centuries no longer play an important part. Temples are emptying, in Europe they are being converted into places of social gathering such as cafes, or renovated into housing.

A man cannot survive without love from within, he begins self-destruction,” warned Kurginyan.

Moreover, humans are the only species that do not kill to feed themselves and the only species that improve their means of killing. This implies that humans will be able to destroy everything not out of necessity, but, for example, in order to retain power.

The Bengal tiger has fangs, they do not keep growing — they are what they are, they are very scary looking, but thats what they are. As for humans and their fangs, so to speak, they do keep growing, as weapons: nuclear, laser, viral, genetic, God knows what other kind; and they kill not for feeding purposes,” noted Kurginyan.

Love must be triumphant in order to avoid the triumph of death; there is a need to resolve the issue of a new man, a new humanism. Otherwise, humanity will be divided into the so-called “bridegrooms of death” – neo-Nazis, people who will mercilessly kill their own kind, and “slaves of death,” those who are despised and destroyed.

And if man does not begin to ascend, if the problem of the new man and new humanism is completely removed from the agenda, then this will become a civilization of death,” said Kurginyan.

It will be a descent into hell,” he added.

Kurginyan pointed to a number of processes that are already leading humanity to abandon all positive content that made Western civilization great.

Western civilization abandoned Aristotle, Plato, St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, and will ultimately abandon Voltaire, Diderot, D’Alembert, Kant, Hegel and everything else in favor of the “cult of death and the plunge into deep darkness, which is approaching,” says Kurginyan.

He recalled that participants at the World Economic Forum in Davos this year were blessed by a Brazilian shaman.

All these elites who gathered to chart new frontiers were blessed by some shaman, right? But couldnt they have been blessed by the leading representatives of all the worlds religions, for example; or some very outstanding thinker representing these religions, or by some secular sages who would have been featured on the front page? No, we need a shaman. But today its some kind of relatively peaceful shaman, and tomorrow it will be something else,” said Kurginyan.

As for Russia, it needs to understand that there is no place for Russia inside the concentration camp being built by the West; they don’t want to “see Russians alive.” In any case, Russia needs not to fight for a place in the concentration camp being built by the West, but to start thinking about how to escape from this concentration camp in order to build something of its own.

Where do you run, when you have a general tendency that obviously exposes its anti-human nature?” said Kurginyan.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency