Kurginyan: Prometheus is the real Marxism

11.07.2024, Moscow.

For Stalin, Prometheus personified the real Marxism, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on June 22 at the presentation of the monograph Stalin’s Esoterics. The Analytics of the Conflict of Interpretations.

Essentially, Prometheus is the real Marxism,” Kurginyan said.

He noted that in the Soviet era, when universities of Marxism and Leninism existed, no one understood Marx’ words about alienation from the human essence. “The real Marx wrote that the purpose of Communism was to overcome the alienation from the human essence. He indeed wrote this, and it cannot be hidden,” the philosopher stressed.

So, in the end of the 19th century he wrote about ‘overcoming the alienation from the human essence’. And what is human essence? Then it follows, ‘without overcoming the alienation from the human essence comes spiritual death.’ This means that Marx exists actually, strangely enough, in spiritual categories,” Kurginyan explained.

According to him, Khrushchev was supposed to understand with what Marx associated the overcoming of the alienation from the human essence. “When is it expected to come together with Communism? Only after any division of labor is completely overcome. And this is also written directly,” he added.

This means that inside Marxism there were oddities that had to be hidden later. Engels was the first to start hiding then, then Lukács followed, then Lifshitz, and then no one knows who else. But Stalin, in contrast, lived in it. And it was absolutely clear that Marx was metaphysical. That to him Prometheus was a live deity,” the philosopher explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency