Denmark joins coalition to supply Kiev with a million drones

11.07.2024, Copenhagen.

Denmark joined the international coalition that agreed to supply Kiev with a million drones within a year, the press service of the Danish Defense Ministry informed on July 11.

The agreement on Denmark’s joining the ranks of countries involved in this delivery was signed by its Defense Minister Troels Lund Poulsen.

“We signed an agreement on international cooperation in the field of drones, which will provide Ukraine with one million small combat drones next year,” the ministry said.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, Denmark’s role under the agreement will mainly be to facilitate common projects to purchase drones for Kiev.

The coalition of countries that decided to provide Ukraine with drones is led by the United Kingdom and Latvia. At first, they were talking about thousands of UAVs, but then they proclaimed a promise to supply one million drones within one year.

According to British former Defense Minister Leo Docherty, the first deliveries will begin “very soon.” He made the announcement in May.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency