Kurginyan: There is an incredible variety of mysteries around Stalin

08.07.2024, Moscow.

In Joseph Stalin’s biography, nothing is known for a fact, starting from the circumstances of his birth, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on June 22 at the opening ceremony of the conference Stalin’s Esoterics.

Nothing is really known about him. It is not clear who his father was, it is not clear at all. It is unclear who his mother was either. And high-ranking rumors took place about this during Stalin’s rule. Nothing is known about his close circles, e.g. who served as a counterbalance to Lavrenty [Beria], who Ignatashvili was, what his personal intelligence service was,” Kurginyan said.

He explained that nothing is actually known about Stalin’s first wife, Kato Svanidze, who played a great role in his personality. Kurginyan noted that nothing is known about Stalin’s beliefs.

All boys prayed to Amirani in the mountain. Amirani’s caves were within sight of the town of Gori. Nothing is known about the role of the heroic epic in making his inner ideology. And what is Stalinism at all? What is it? It is definitely not Marxism, and it is clear that the statement that socialism could be built in an individual country flies in the face of all Marx’ constructs. But what is it? Who was he?” the philosopher stressed.

He also noted that many mysterious things took place during the Great Patriotic War, about which, among other things, high-ranking Nazis told. The place of the Mamayev Kurgan hill is mysterious, the philosopher believes.

Interestingly, all the generals of the army except Chuykov were buried away from the places where they fought. What took place at the Mamayev Kurgan hill? What in general took place with Stalin himself? How did he become the leader of the country? What took place in Tsaritsyn where this story began?

There was such a smart rascal named Heydrich, really smart. And he, according to Schellenberg’s memoirs, told Schellenberg, ‘The Russians are actually not much of people, with one reservation: they can promote leaders and follow them. We need to make them lose this, and then everything will be fine, they will be easily defeated. But they have two tricks: their ability to promote leaders and to follow them,’” Kurginyan told.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency