Lukashenko: The West has launched a new crusade, the world is on the verge of catastrophe

03.07.2024, Minsk.

The world is balancing on the brink of another global catastrophe, said President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko, BelTA informs on July 2.

In his speech on Independence Day of the Republic, President of Belarus recalled the results of World War II, and called it the apotheosis of the entire thousand-year history of wars of Western and Eastern civilizations. He believes Western countries have forgotten their history and are even “starting a new crusade.” Lukashenko warned that they’ll boomerang what they’re up to again – the consequences of a new possible conflict “will come to their own homes.”

He also expressed hope that Minsk would be able to reach an agreement with those “who live for the future of their children and grandchildren.” “Nothing and no one will force Belarus to turn from this path – the path to peace and creation,” he concluded.

In February, Lukashenko urged his citizens to prepare for war “mentally and strategically.” The President of Belarus warned about the desire of the Anglo-Saxons to drag Minsk into the conflict between the West and the East.

The day before, the State Border Committee of Belarus announced the strengthening of border protection with Ukraine due to the discovery of reconnaissance drones and a cache of explosives.

According to Muraveiko, ten NATO battalion tactical groups of more than 20 thousand people are also located on the border with Belarus. He noted that at first, it was said about the temporary presence of such units, but that there is nothing “more permanent than temporary.” Leonid Davidovich, deputy commander of the Air Force and Air Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Belarus, previously spoke about a twofold increase in the number of NATO reconnaissance flights near the borders of Belarus, counting from the beginning of 2024.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency