Kurginyan: Russia’s policy is intended to smooth its relations with Turkey

03.07.2024, Moscow.

Russia does not need a second front to be opened in Turkey while all its forces are busy in Ukraine, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 31 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

All our forces are busy in Ukraine, this is our fate. We are either winning or losing. In this huge clash, considering the way we have been built, we have no forces for another clash,” Kurginyan said.

Kurginyan noted that our country in its current condition does not need a second front, and this is why Russia smooths its relations with Turkey.

Our diplomacy, our elites are doing their best to prevent our relations with the Turks from becoming radically anti-Russian and to avoid Turkey’s involvement. It is not the only factor that Erdoğan wants something else: he wants to have a hub, he wants to balance between Russia and the West etc. How long he will maintain is another problem, Kurginyan said.

The political scientist also noted that Turkey is a NATO member state, which means it cannot start any actions against Russia on its own.

We are totally dependent on our desire to smooth and adjust our relations with Turkey. In our current condition we are losing against Turkey in the Black Sea in navy power. We are not ready for this second front. And thanks God, I repeat, there is the NATO Article 5 for us,” Kurginyan said.

According to the political scientist, Russia is maneuvering as much as it can, and this is right in view of the concept of Russia that remains consistent with the pro-Western path while fighting in Ukraine at the same time.

The point is that the concept itself if unstable. If we mostly maneuver, in the current context, in a way that our relations with Turkey remain normal, this determines everything else,” the political scientist concluded.

According to him, we need to softly and assertively change the Russia we have to a militarized Russia for the coming century, and then our country will have some chances.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency