Tehran would support Lebanon by all means if Israel launches war

02.06.2024, Tehran.

Iran will provide full support to Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement in the event of an Israeli invasion, Kamal Khaкrazi, an adviser to Iran’s spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and head of Iran’s Strategic Council for International Relations, told the Financial Times in an interview published on July 2.

The journalist asked the diplomat what Tehran would do in the event of a full-scale Israeli invasion of Lebanon.

“In that situation, we would have no choice, but to support Hizbollah by all means,” Kharrazi emphasized.

He said that all Lebanese people, Arab countries, and members of the “axis of resistance” will support Lebanon. At the same time, the diplomat emphasized that it was not in the interests of either the United States or Iran to escalate the conflict.

A few weeks ago, the Israeli army announced the approval of the plan of attack in Lebanon. It envisages a large-scale strike in response to Lebanon’s attacks on northern Israel.

On June 29, Tehran’s Permanent Mission to the UN said that Israel’s threats to invade Lebanon are psychological pressure, and their implementation will lead to a war of annihilation.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency