Russian Army destroys five Ukrainian air fighters with Iskander-M missile strike

02.07.2024, Moscow.

Five Ukrainian Su-27 air fighters were destroyed, and two were damaged in a strike by the Iskander-M missiles, the Russian Defense Ministry said on July 2.

The report noted that the crews of the Iskander-M systems carried out a group missile strike on the aircraft parking lot at the Mirgorod airfield. The destruction of the aircraft was confirmed by objective control footage.

“As a result of the strike, the Russian army destroyed five operational and damaged two Su-27 multi-role fighters under repair,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The ministry published a record of the objective control.

Aircraft losses were also confirmed by Ukrainian spokesmen.

The difficulty in destroying Ukrainian planes is that they are usually evacuated from airfields in time for Russian missiles to reach their targets.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency