Oncologist assesses consequences of US halting cancer treatment research in Russia

02.06.2024, Moscow.

Russia’s exclusion from US studies of new ways of treating cancer served as an additional incentive for the creation of domestic drugs, said the chief freelance oncologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Director General of Federal Budgetary Institution “NMRC Radiology”, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrey Kaprin in an interview on July 2 to RIA Novosti.

“Despite the fact that science and medicine were and should remain out of politics, work on protocols, for example, with US colleagues, has been stopped on their initiative,” Kaprin explained.

He assured that, in general, this will not affect cancer patients in Russia, as the research involved a very limited number of patients. Most importantly, he noted that the unfriendly behavior of foreign colleagues was a strong impetus for domestic research in cancer treatment. He assured that much has already been done in this direction by Russian researchers.

“The main thing is that we have already fully realized the fact that we need to create our own. After all, every second the situation can change, and we must be ready for it,” the academician explained the event’s significance.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency