Spain sends 780 military personnel to Slovakia as part of NATO’s anti-Russian actions

01.07.2024, Madrid.

As part of NATO’s anti-Russian actions, Spain deployed a military contingent in Slovakia, Spanish newspaper ABC wrote on July 1.

The newspaper noted that Spain’s presence on the alliance’s eastern flank has grown exponentially as part of NATO’s recent efforts.

“The latest move was the deployment of a contingent of more than 780 soldiers to Slovakia,” the paper wrote.

According to the author, the reinforcement of NATO contingents in the east is being carried out to “show Russia its muscle and dissuade it from any attack on the alliance.”

EU and US countries supported the neo-Nazi coup in 2014 in Ukraine and the Kiev regime’s aggression against the eastern regions of the country that did not accept the Nazis.

In 2022, after Russia launched a special military operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, the West’s comprehensive support for the neo-Nazi regime intensified. The West is effectively supporting Nazi Ukraine to continue the war and inflict as much damage as possible on Moscow.

During the Great Patriotic War, Spanish volunteers fought on the side of Hitler’s Germany on the eastern front – against the Soviet Union.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency