Russian engineers gain access to the ATACMS guidance system

01.07.2024, Moscow.

Russian military engineers gained access to the guidance system of the US ATACMS missile. RIA Novosti wrote this on July 1.

Russian military engineers gained access to the gyroscope unit of the missile, as well as to the GPS module. Now scientists and engineers will be able to study how the missile’s guidance system works over the entire flight path, as well as ways of correcting the flight path.

The circumstances under which the Russian military had the ATACMS guidance module in its possession were not disclosed by the agency.

Washington began supplying Ukraine with ATACMS operational-tactical missiles in 2023. At the end of June, such missiles were used in a massive attack on Sevastopol, when the firing of one of them over the city beach injured more than a hundred people. Three people, two of them children, were killed as a result of the attack.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency