Poland’s foreign minister suggests playing an “escalation game” with Russia

30.06.2024, Poland.

The need for Western countries to improve their skills for “escalation game” with Russia was highlighted by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski by publishing a post on the X social network on June 30.

We must re-learn how to use the escalation game. To give you an example: we can seize all Russian state assets worth 300 billion euros,” the post said.

Sikorski referred to the example of former US President Ronald Reagan as an exemplary player in the “escalation game,” noting that his strategy in fighting the Soviet Union was simplistically reduced to the formula: “We win. They lose.

It is worth noting that Russia considers the possible return of the money frozen by the West to be extremely unlikely in the foreseeable future. At the same time, the Russian authorities have repeatedly warned the West that an attempt to seize the finances may meet a symmetrical reaction in the form of confiscation of foreign assets located in Russia.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency