Orban expects the right-wing alliance to change the situation in Europe

30.06.2024, Hungary.

The alliance of right-wing parties in the European Parliament will lead to a new era in the history of European politics, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban told reporters in Vienna on June 30.

Speaking to the press after signing a cooperation agreement between the Hungarian party Fidesz – Hungarian Civic Alliance, the Austrian Freedom Party and the Czech movement ANO (“Action of Dissatisfied Citizens”), he said that the right-wing parties are in favor of changing European politics.

He said that a new alliance of right-wing parties would further lead to the creation of the strongest right-wing group in European politics and called on other right-wing parties to cooperate.

According to the Hungarian prime minister, national governments in Europe should have resigned after the election failure.

The Brussels elite resists this because Brussels is not a democratic construct,” Orbán said.

He said the people of Europe were still suffering from Brussels’ policies, which only bring war, a wave of migrants and a stagnant economy.

The European economy is in crisis, Europe’s economic weight is declining, illegal migration continues, and there is a war in our neighborhood, which we could not prevent and could not isolate after it broke out, so we live in the shadow of war,” Orban said.

It should be noted that for the new association to be officially recognized in the European Parliament, it needs the support of four more EU countries.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency