Kurginyan: Part of the KGB elite was the driver of the destruction of the USSR

29.06.2024, Moscow.

We can tell for sure that part of the KGB elite was the driver of the destruction of the Soviet Union, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 30 in an interview to Editor-in-Chief of Abzats Media Elena Oya for the project So to Say.

We have every right to say that this part of the KGB elite (not the entire elite, and not at all the entire KGB, as there were plenty of people who absolutely honestly fulfilled their duties) was the driver of the destruction of the Soviet Union and the integration of Russia having disposed of its outskirts into Europe, the Western civilization, by any means,” he stressed.

The purpose of destroying the USSR was to dispose of the power of the Communist Party and the ideology in order to establish “a positive, pragmatic, pro-Western, statist, wonderful, normal policy led by this KGB elite.” “We call this the Kuusinen-Andropov project,” the analyst indicated.

The political scientist noted that he possesses some information about these processes because his father, doctor of historical sciences Ervand Amayakovich Kurginyan was scientific supervisor to First Deputy Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Semyon Tsvigun, and former chief of the KGB Vladimir Kryuchkov was his advisor for a long time.

To a certain degree, our president makes no secret out of it,” Kurginyan reminded, and he noted that this project remained effective “up to Putin’s Munich Speech, and actually up to the Special Military Operation.” Russia’s stance began to change only after the Western elite members visited Putin shortly before this speech, and they “directly told him that Russia could only integrate into the West by parts.”

Part of the KGB elite immediately said, ‘No problem,’” Sergey Kurginyan told. “Speculations began that we needed a small country, and that the most important thing for us was to have clean restrooms etc.; all this was done by advisors to these old KGB elite officials,” he explained.

Putin, however, according to Kurginyan, “reacted to this issue with a rare to him, but quite convincing, cold fury.”

Sergey Kurginyan provided more detail on his opinion of this project of the integration of Russia into Europe in his book “The Red Spring.” There, he discusses in detail the reasons of the collapse of the USSR and the transformation of the Soviet elite of the late period.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency