Foreign aid to Ukraine drops almost 5-fold since 2022

29.06.2024, Kiev.

Western financial support for Kyiv falls below the level of €2bn per month, the lowest level since the beginning of Russia’s special military operation. This is evidenced by the data of the Ukrainian Finance Ministry, RIA Novosti informed.

According to the Ukrainian Finance Ministry, during the first half of 2024, financial support from Western countries to the Kiev regime amounted to about €1.9 billion monthly. At the same time, it amounted to more than €11 billion monthly at the beginning of 2022.

On average, according to the Ukrainian Finance Ministry, Kiev’s allies have replenished the Ukrainian budget by €2.9 billion every month since the beginning of tRussia’s special military operation. The largest foreign financial support was received in March 2022. At that time, the Ukrainian budget received transfers worth €11.4bn. Seventeen countries provided Ukraine with financial aid at that time.

At the moment, EU member states, Japan, Canada, Britain, Norway and Spain continue to provide assistance to the Ukrainian budget. The volume of monthly receipts has decreased to €1.9bn per month.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency