Kurginyan: Good relations between the Russian Federation and Turkey are a temporary tactical gain

28.06.2024, Moscow.

Russia needs to build good relations with Turkey tactically, but strategically the situation is unclear, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 31 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio station.

Everything was done right tactically and operationally,” noted the political scientist. Good relations with Turkey are especially important considering the situation in modern Russia, which would not withstand the increasing pressure it faces from other countries during the special military operation in Ukraine, noted the expert.

It is necessary to maintain relations with Turkey while Russia is trying to keep the appearance of its former, non-wartimelife, combining it with war and “anti-Western concepts”.We are using this as palliative measures. The last thing we need is tensions in Turkey. What for?”– noted Sergey Kurginyan.

However, this proper tactic will ultimately run into “Great Britains strategy, of course,” which Turkey will implement, the political scientist explained.

Turkey will always pursue Turans direction. The unification of the Turkic countries will sooner or later reach military and intelligence services levels, we are yet to have our hands full over there, Kurginyan emphasized.

Russia has already tried to build relations with the West without taking into account its long-term strategy, and encountered serious problems, explained the analyst.

We have already tried to build partner relationships with the West and ended up in a crappy situation,” noted the political scientist. The Nord Stream pipeline has already been destroyed and all that’s left is to wait for the next one, the South Stream pipeline, to go down, stressed Sergey Kurginyan.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency