Kurginyan: Armenian opposition leader Srbazan is not a pro-Russian figure

28.06.2024, Moscow.

Bishop Bagrat Srbazan, the new leader of the Armenian opposition, is not a pro-Russian figure, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on May 31 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio station.

The opposition to the existing government in Armenia is emerging, but it is not pro-Russian, it is pro-Armenian, noted the political scientist.

A religious figure comes along with a very interesting background with nothing pro-Russian in it by definition. But since the Dashnaks [Armenian nationalist movement – translator’s note], and many other emigrants also do not want Turkey and do not fall under its control, it may well be that this religious figure becomes a politician who can achieve something in a long run. But, what he can do, its not something pro-Russian, its pro-Dashnak or something else, which also is controlled by the West, Kurginyan explained.

The political balance of power emerging in Armenia is complex and ambiguous, the philosopher explained. Armenia at one time elected Nikol Pashinyan as Prime Minister, whose main idea was to surrender Karabakh region and fall under the control of Azerbaijan and Turkey.

This was Armenias choice – and during a discussion it appears that, on the one hand, the Armenians say: Russia is not protecting us. And in response they hear: but at least choose someone who will stand up and fight. Then we will see what to do next, said Kurginyan.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency