Bolivian president’s visit to Russia could be a pretext for organizing a coup d’état

28.06.2024, La Paz.

Bolivian President Luis Arce’s recent visit to St. Petersburg could have given an excuse for unfriendly countries to try to organize a coup d’état, Bolivian Defense Minister Edmundo Novillo said in comments to RIA Novosti on June 28.

“We do not rule out that it was this visit of President Luis Arce to Russia that caused a reaction in countries in opposition to BRICS, and these countries, which have dominated the Bolivian state for a long time, want to do it again to have political control in the country and loot our resources again,” Novillo said.

According to the defense minister, the current situation in the country is made up of many factors, including those of an external nature.

On June 26, Bolivian media reported about the gathering of the military in Murillo Square in La Paz under the leadership of former army commander General Zúñiga. It is noted that the military attempted to break into the presidential palace, where the leader of the state was at the time. Special equipment was brought to the site of the riots, which lasted about 3 hours.

The Bolivian President managed to maintain control of the situation and to get the military to comply with the order to leave the square. As a result, General Zúñiga and two other military commanders were arrested.

In early June, the President of Bolivia visited Russia, where he took part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), on the margins of which he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency