Agence France-Presse: Kiev pushes EU to create no-fly zone

28.06.2024, Paris.

The Kiev regime is pushing to deploy North Atlantic Alliance air defense systems in Poland and Romania, Agence France-Presse wrote on June 28.

It is noted that Ukrainian officials have repeatedly pushed European countries to establish a no-fly zone in western Ukraine. At the same time, Western countries are cautious about such initiatives, fearing a direct clash with Russia.

“I do not understand why NATO does not deploy Patriot systems along the Polish border… This will protect the borders of Poland and Romania and create a safe zone in western and southern Ukraine,” Ukrainian MP Aleksey Goncharenko (listed as a terrorist and extremist in Russia) said.

Earlier, former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said that the alliance might deploy air defense systems in Poland and Romania to help the Kiev regime. After that, the current secretary-general, Jens Stoltenberg, did not support the idea of shooting down Russian missiles over Ukraine.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency