Six Ukrainian battalions abandon their positions on Gorlovka direction

27.06.2024, Gorlovka.

Six battalions of the Ukrainian armed units abandoned their positions on the Gorlovka direction, Russian war correspondent Ruslan Tatarinov wrote on June 27 on his Telegram channel.

“Six battalions of the Ukrainian armed units refused to fight and left their positions on the Gorlovka direction,” the statement reads.

Cases of Ukrainian armed units disobeying the orders of the command, as well as direct desertion, are not rare.

Some Ukrainian media also recognized this fact, linking such cases to the loss of loyalty to the political and military leadership.

For example, according to the Ukrainian online publication Strana ua, a group of mobilized prisoners escaped from a Ukrainian training camp the other day, taking weapons and military uniforms with them.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency