Political analyst: Russia’s security requires control over the entire territory of Ukraine

27.06.2024, Donetsk.

To ensure its security, Russia will be forced to take control not only of Kharkov but also of the whole of Ukraine, Kirill Cherkashin, an associate professor of the political science department of Donetsk State University, said on June 27, the Donetsk News Agency (DAN) informed.

Cherkashin said that Russia would not be able to eliminate the possibility of shelling its territory and terrorist attacks carried out by Ukraine without ensuring full control over its entire territory.

According to Cherkashin, “the entire territory of Ukraine should be taken under control. Because it is a source of constant danger. The missiles that are supplied to them by the West fly hundreds of kilometers on target. These ATACMS, with which Sevastopol was attacked, they have a range of 300 and more kilometers, as far as I know, there are different variations and up to 500 kilometers. In fact, a very large area, almost as far as Moscow, can be attacked from the territory of Ukraine, and in addition, all these activities – recruitment and coordination of terrorist attacks – often come from the territory of Ukraine.”

UK analyst Alexander Mercouris earlier said that if the Ukrainian army uses US ATACMS missiles in the Kharkov area to strike “deep into” Russian territory, the Russian military would be forced to take Kharkov, which would force the Russian Armed Forces to move even further than they had originally planned, to send more troops to the area after repulsing the strikes.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency