In Bolivia, protesters demand trial of rebel general

27.06.2024, La Paz.

Residents of the Bolivian capital La Paz gathered outside the police station where the detained General Juan José Zúñiga is being held to demand his imprisonment. The general was arrested for attempted coup d’état. RIA Novosti wrote this on June 27.

“Zúñiga must be imprisoned!” the protesters chanted.

Yesterday, the local media wrote about the accumulation of the military in Murillo Square in La Paz, where the government buildings are located. Armored vehicles were pulled to the square.

A group of military officers led by General Zúñiga, who was reportedly dismissed as army commander, attempted to break into the presidential palace in an armored personnel carrier.

Bolivian President Luis Arce condemned the actions of the military and called the incident an attempted coup d’état. Many foreign leaders of state spoke in his support.

The riots in the square of La Paz lasted about 3 hours. All this time Bolivian President was inside the palace.

Later, the leader of Bolivia addressed the nation and appointed a new army command, which called on the military to leave the square.

The military complied with the order and the rebellious general was imprisoned under the guard.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency