Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency assesses consequences of the destruction of the radiation control post at ZNPP

26.06.2024, Energodar.

Employees of the Russian Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) assessed the consequences of the destruction of the radiation control post of the Zaporozhye NPP (ZNPP) in the village of Velikaya Znamenka in the Zaporozhye Region, the press service of the agency informed on June 26.

“Exceedances of natural background values have not been detected,” the statement reads.

The FMBA specified that a mobile laboratory visited Energodar, which is 40 km away from Velikaya Znamenka, and monitored the radiation situation. The department’s subdivisions in the city are operating normally.

The Ukrainian militants destroyed the radiation control post of ZNPP on June 26 during their strike. The nuclear plant said that it continues to monitor the radiation background in the area of the sanitary zone of ZNPP, there are no exceedances of natural indicators.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency