Russia ships coal to India via Iran for the first time

26.06.2024, Tehran.

Russia for the first time sent two coal trains to India via the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), IRNA wrote on June 25.

The transportation corridor connects Russia with India via Iran. The route, which includes railroads, roads and seaports, stretches 7,200 kilometers (4,500 miles) from St. Petersburg to the port of Mumbai in India.

The corridor responds to Russia’s desire to find new transportation routes in the wake of Western sanctions, which have provoked a reorientation of trade flows from Europe to Asia and the Middle East.

Construction of the INSTC began in the early 2000s, but anti-Russian sanctions provided the decisive impetus for its completion.

New Delhi also promoted the route as an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

“For the first time, two trains carrying Kuzbass coal headed to India along the North-South International Transport Corridor. The trains departed from the Kemerovo region. They followed the eastern branch of INSTC through Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas,” the Telegram channel of Russian Railways informed.

According to the Telegram channel, the coal will be delivered by sea on the final part of the route from the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas to the Indian port of Mumbai.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency