Turkish Foreign Minister: Turkey does not consider BRICS as an alternative to EU

25.06.2024, Ankara.

Turkey does not see platforms such as BRICS as an alternative to the European Union (EU), but sees them as complementary alliances, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said, Karar wrote on June 24.

According to him, Turkey should closely follow how alternative economic platforms and markets are being formed worldwide. Fidan pointed out that Ankara is no stranger to platforms such as BRICS, it is a member and one of the founding countries of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization, a founding country of the D-8.

“If the EU had the will to take another step forward, if it had the will to become not only a supranational but also a supra-civilizational structure, our view on some issues could really change,” the Turkish Foreign Minister said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency