Former leader of South Korea’s ruling party urges to think about its own nuclear weapons

25.06.2024, Seoul.

South Korea should prepare its military infrastructure to be ready to quickly acquire nuclear weapons, former leader of the ruling People’s Power Party (PPP) Han Dong-hoon said on June 25 while addressing the country’s parliament, Yonhap News Agency wrote.

“Since the international situation can always change, we should move to at least arm ourselves with the potential to go nuclear when we decide to do so, just as Japan is doing now,” the politician said.

He noted that in an ever-changing world situation, one cannot rely solely on one’s allies.

As for the enrichment and reprocessing of radioactive substances, Khan said this would require renegotiating the allies’ nuclear cooperation agreement but emphasized that being equipped with the “potential” for nuclear weapons is a “realistic and practical” option that is not subject to international sanctions.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency