More than a thousand Sevastopol residents come to donate blood for victims of the attack

24.06.2024, Sevastopol.

More than a thousand Sevastopol residents came to the Blood Center, wishing to become donors for the victims of the missile attack on the beach on June 23, Rossa Primavera News Agency wrote.

From the very morning, Sevastopol citizens, ready to give blood for the victims of the rocket attack on the beach in Uchkuevka, gathered at the building of the Blood Center. A queue has formed, but people are ready to wait as long as necessary.

Blood can be donated from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. hours. The most demanded blood is the blood of all groups with negative rhesus.

The staff of the Blood Center explained that at the moment the available blood bank for the victims is enough, but it needs to be constantly replenished.

On June 23, on the Orthodox holiday Trinity at 12:15 a.m., a terrorist attack was made using US ATACMS missiles with cluster munitions on the beach in Sevastopol, where there were civilians with children. Four people were killed, including two children, and more than 150 people were injured.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency