Kurginyan: By electing Pashinyan Armenia gave up Karabakh and surrendered to Azerbaijan

20.06.2024, Moscow.

By electing Nikol Pashinyan as prime-minister, Armenia gave up Karabakh itself, and it surrendered to Azerbaijan, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on May 31 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

The political scientist noted that the situation with Armenia should be considered through a focus on a fundamental principle “there cannot be any sovereign small limitrophe states.” He added that this principle is absolutely indisputable, and it applies to Armenia even more than to Georgia.

Armenia suffered massacres from the Turks and the Persians. All the West’s words about how they love Armenia have always been idle talks. Armenia, in order to escape total destruction by the Turks, came under the Russian rule,” the leader of Essence of Time reminded.

He explained that Soviet Armenia resulted from this transition, and it received every possible aid form the Russians in the USSR. The political scientist stressed that “they raised it to incredible heights, including all these Ambartsumyan, Mergelyan, academicians, literature, theater etc., as well as Georgia.”

Then, according to Sergey Kurginyan, the escalation of the Nagorno-Karabakh issue began in Armenia.

It was disastrous for the Soviet Union, i.e. for the empire; this is somewhat idealistic, and it could nevertheless be respected in a way. However, I repeat, it was disastrous,” the leader of Essence of Time said.

But later, Kurginyan stressed, the Armenians quickly surrendered this Karabakh. He indicated that the Armenians, on the one hand, do not want to be slaughtered, but on the other hand they do not want to fight for Karabakh.

Therefore, as the entire Armenia does not want to make a move after which it would become a Turkish vilayet and suffer a massacre, but at the same time it does not want to fight for Karabakh, it elected Pashinyan and thus it acknowledged that it surrenders not even to Turkey, but to its key satellite, Azerbaijan (a serious satellite, almost a partner),” the political scientist explained.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency