Russian Foreign Ministry explains reasons for the US hatred of North Korea

19.06.2024, Moscow.

The United States hates North Korea for not surrendering, while Russia’s actions cause its monstrous reaction, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Radio Sputnik on June 19.

Commenting on the West’s reaction to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea, she noted that the United States, UK, and NATO in general hysterically react to any Russian actions in the Asia-Pacific region.

One of the reasons for such a reaction, Zakharova said, is the hatred the USA feels toward North Korea “because it has not given up and is not giving up, because it does not want to repeat the path of the same Libya.”

At the same time, any actions of Russia cause “this monstrous reaction of overseas democratizers,” she added.

The diplomat called Pyongyang’s path specific and full of difficulties. She expressed surprise at the arrogant attitude of some countries toward the path the DPRK is taking.

“This is only because it has become an object of inhuman hatred from Washington that has lasted for decades,” the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman emphasized.

Speaking about the Russian leader’s visit to Pyongyang, Zakharova recalled Russia’s right to develop equal relations with the region’s countries that do not lead to imbalance and disruption of stability.

On June 19, Putin flew to Pyongyang. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance would strengthen ties with Japan, Australia and South Korea in response to Putin’s visit to North Korea and Russia’s strengthening ties with China and Iran.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency