Developing the Far East is Russia’s priority in the 21st century

18.06.2024, Russia.

The development of the Far East region is a priority in Russia’s 21st century policy, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with specialists who have chosen to work in the Far East on June 18.

The president noted that the statement was made without any exaggeration, as the Far East region demonstrates outstanding growth rates when compared to the national average.

Our electricity consumption has grown by times, transportation volume has grown by times – 1.8 and 1.2 times respectively. Gold production has doubled, coal production has almost tripled – 2.8 times. Everything is growing by times,” said Vladimir Putin.

According to the president, young people have become more active in migrating to the Far East, and this trend confirms that the authorities’ work to make the region more attractive has not been in vain.

The attractiveness of the region is increasing. This is understandable, because it is powerful, beautiful, and huge, and very promising. We will create conditions to attract any specialists,” the head of State added.